Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Whats Happening?

Feb 1 >>New Clothing catalog
>>New Pin

Feb 8 >>Postcard Update
>>New Play at The Stage

Feb 15 >>New Pin

Stage Sneek Peek

Hello Penguins!
We've heard lots of great ideas from many of you about future themes for The Stage and I just found out about a new theme that clubpenguin is currently working on. I wanted to be the first to give you a little sneak peek. I don't have a lot of details right now, but I did find out that it will be released in February. And I managed to grab a small bit of art from the development team. What do you think?
In other news: I know a lot of you are curious about Rockhopper and what he plans to do. More will be revealed soon, so keep checking the newspaper and keep an eye on things around town!

New Music for your igloo...if your a member

Hello Penguins! Many of you have been asking for some new music for your igloos and we've been listening! Now you can have new music for parties, band rehersals, or just hanging out! Let us know what you think and how you like to use the new music!
In other news: Captian Rockhopper will stay in town until next Friday. If you see him, be sure you encourage him because he's gone through a lot lately.

Rock Hopper Ship wrecked - see for yourself

Hello Penguins, im sure almost all of you know that rockhopper crashed. there were two different things we saw in the telescope. now there is a third! rock hopper ship in peices! check it out now and see for yourself in the telescope on the beacon, on the top of the light house on the the beach.

-10croc, Club Penguin Cheats President

more on rockhopper...

Hello Penguins!
I'm not sure if you've noticed, but Rockhopper has landed on the shores of the Beach! He obviously doesn't have his normal treasure, but he does have some extra life jackets for everyone! Keep an eye out for him because he will give you something if you ask to be his buddy and i think its an eye patch! If you look through the telescope you can see his ship which doesn't look very good. As always, we would love to hear your ideas for what we can do to help him!

Terribly sorry...

Hello Penguins,
I'm sooooo sorry for not posting in a while. I was on vacation in NY and my staff were all not near computers. posting will continue going on a regular basis and i will notify you when i will be gone.

PS: allot of news coming soon!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Rock Hopper landed! (with picture)

Hello Penguins! Rock Hopper landed and this
post is with the picture. He brought a free item-
life vests. They are available now!

RockHopper has landed with his row boat, puffle, and free life vests!

Hello Penguins,
RockHopper landed early this morning and i have not seen him. He brought Free Life Vests and his red puffle is on the ship. If you see him, i think he talks so try to talk to him. Also the telescope changed and now its just his boat there. I'm sure as you know my computer does not allow me to upload images so i will try to get on a different computer.

...Until then...Waddle On...

-10croc ,
Club Penuin Cheats President

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Pin still always

after partys there isnt a specail way to get the pin (example: pinata) so you cant still get it.


remember you must finish the 5th mission before the 6th. club penguin designed it so that you cant play it till you complete the 5th mission.

A little update on some things.

hello penguins,
im sure as you know (if you were there) the winter fiesta was alot of fun. also as i said the party will only run for three days and so did club penguin but they took it off mid day monday and thats also when they put up the new mission!

The new mission is soo much fun! it came out yesterday monday in the middle of the day. my favorite part is the cave, cause you do alot of the stuff there. we would love to know what your favorite part is by commenting on this post.

Today is jan. 22, 2008 tuesday 9:45 and rockhopper still hasnt arrived. when he is with his big ship, it has a huge sail so when he apears that close he gets here within a day or two. but he is rowing by hand so its taking alot longer. also the telescope is still the same. and club penguin said that rockhopper's crash into the iceberg had NOTHING to do with the mission but the bear in the mission said that he slipped of the iceberg and it floated probably went strait into the Migrator.

Club Penguin Mission Six How-To (video edition)

Tangelloboy gave me this video, and he is a regular visitor to my site.

Club Penguin Mission Six How-To (written eddition)

Written How-To:

  1. Talk to G
  2. Follow the Crab into the HQ
  3. Follow the crab into the Sports Shop and back out
  4. Follow the crab up the mountain and then go off the edge of the Mountain
  5. When you get to the locked door, go to the right of the stump
  6. Go to the log with the log behind the bush
  7. Take out your spy phone, use your tools, and cut the rope with your Scissors
  8. Get the Puffle O’s
  9. Feed the Puffle O to the Black Puffle
  10. Talk to the person
  11. Put the Puffle O on the lever
  12. Put a Puffle O on the water slide and the platform
  13. Put the hook in your inventory
  14. Put the blue print in your inventory
  15. Then put the rope in your inventory and the hot sauce.
  16. Then go to the door and put a puffle O on the hot sauce (which is in your inventory).
  17. Then feed the fire puffle O to the puffle and wait till it zooms out.
  18. The go to the cliff (the first place you were in). Then put your rope at the top of the cliff.
  19. Then go to the Pizza Shop which is in the Plaza.
  20. Then click on the green penguin behind the counter and get a Seaweed Pizza.
  21. Then go to the Ski Lodge and go out the Gone Fishing Door.
  22. Give the pizza to to the bear. while he is eating the pizza, switch the red lever to backwards.
  23. Then he will go back to working it and they will fall into the water.
  24. Then G will come and give him the blue print.
  25. Then get the Medal and the Letter.
  26. YAAAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!! you accomplished the mission!!!

New Mission!!! can do it too! (if your at least 30 days old)

Hello Penguins!
For those of you who are secret agents (you know who you are...), you will want to report to headquarters today to play the next mission. It is a continuation of the story from Mission 5, so you must finish that one before you can play this one. As always we would love to know what you think!
For those of you who aren't agents yet, you can apply to the agency by doing this: click on the "M" in the top right corner of the screen. Your penguin must be at least 30 days old and you have to pass the test. Good luck! Also i will post how to do the mission soon!
until then....waddle on...

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Winter Fiesta...and where the fiesta things are...(sorry i didnt post it earlier)

Hello Penguins!

I hope you’re all enjoying the Fiesta Party! Here is where you will find important things (sorry i didn't post it earlier). 1. the new pin is in the forest (its a sombrero) 2. the maracas are in the night club. It's been a lot of fun so far! This one has some of the same things from last year, with a lot of new stuff! My favorite part is the Coffee Shop, but we would love to hear what yours is!

Also, there was a bug with the pin that caused some issues. It was fixed pretty quickly and everything should be back to normal now. Club Penguin is really sorry to those of you who had it happen to them.

i will try to post the new catalog secrets soon. sorry for not having pictures up but i have a problem with uploading pictures. i will try to do it through Picasa web albums.

In other new: rockhopper still didn't arrive and the telescope is the same. also the new mission did not come out yet.

Friday, January 18, 2008


RockHopper isnt back yet and the new mission didnt come out yet. also the winter fiesta started and i will try to post the things a little bit later

Thursday, January 17, 2008


*Reminder, Read This.
Update 2: it went for 3 and a half days
Update: its running for more then three days.
tomorrow is the Winter Fiesta. Dont miss out. error: It will be running for 3 days only!

Rockhoppers crash...further investigation.

Hello Penguins,

im sure most of you have seen the telescope or if not check it out but rockhopper has crashed! if you are wondering if this has to do with the mission all i can tell you is that its NOT connected to the mission it does have to do with some fun events next month. rockhopper and yarr are safe it looks like and are slowly rowing to shore. we will be able to find out alot more when he gets here but as of now penguins have not been able to contact him and all we know is what we can see through the telescope. witnesses say that the ice berg went strait into the boat and then floated away.

and also speaking of missions you have to play mission 5 before mission 6. if you didnt do it yet you should probably do it as soon as posible cause mission 6 is coming out very soon!


Hello Penguins,
here is something club penguin made a mistake on. go to Ski Village. then go in to the sports shop. click on the catalog. then go to the last page.
this is what it looks like....then go to the page before that one...
now l@@k you have no coins!....but dont worry...go to two pages before this one.
now you have your money!! hahahaha they should be fixing it soon.

Rockhopper's crash

take a look.

Rock hopper is rowing ashore.

im sure as many of you know, rockhopper crashed yesterday and is safly on his row boat with yarr and is rowing ashore. keep your eyes on the horizon. he should be coming tomorrow the 18 (friday). just wanted to let you know. Maybe he's part of the new mission!?!?!?

Winter Fiesta Information!

the winter fiesta goes from jan. 18 - 20, friday to sunday. dont miss it. its very short, only three days. be sure to check it out.

Two New Messages!....psssst.......secret agents only!.........

go to aunt arctics page and click the message!

here is what it says on aunt arctics page "Attention agent" here is what it says on the letter "Attention Agents the psa is almost ready to question the crab. further instructions coming soon ps: this message will self destruct"

*remember this will self dustruct, but if you open the page again, you can read it again.

there is a new message on the board. it says "make sure you complete secret of the fur"

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Rock Hopper Crash!!!!

if you look in the telescope on the beacon you will see rock hopper crash...i wonder why he didnt apear far at first (he suddenly apeard close)....he should be ariving in his row boat soon! i will post a video of what it looked like.
part 1
part 2
part 3

part 4
part 5


Hello Penguins!
I'm sure that you heard the rumor "You can become a Ninja", Right? Well, you can not! This rumor has spread all over the Club Penguin island and don't believe the penguins that say you can. People think that because in Penguin Chat 3 (Old version of Club Penguin), you could become one. And if you click on the "N" on the Night Club Sign on the Club Penguin Header, the penguins turns into a Ninja! Also, if you think about it, the "N" stands for Ninja!

When we Emailed Club Penguin, this is what they said:
"Hello 10croc and staff,
Thank you for your question. At this time, ninjas have not been incorporated into Club Penguin. There have been many rumors circulating Club Penguin about them and the trick on the homepage can be misleading. Perhaps they will be included someday, but for now they do not exist. Club Penguin is always full of surprises, you never know what might happen down the road. We realize that ninjas are in high demand and we will consider your request for future development.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us again.
Club Penguin Support"

So, they said that ninjas have not been created yet. But, I'm sure in the future, they will create ninjas!
Tell us what you think about this, by posting a comment!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

10Croc Party coming soon!!!!

Hello Penguins,

we wanted to have fun with all the visitors to this site. so at one of our STAFF meetings we decided to make a party. we did not decide where or when it will be or what costume people should wear. but we will update you soon. the party will probably be at the begining of february.
-10croc, club penguin cheats president


club penguin never edited the jetpack game. its supposed to have the stage! also the cheat about moving other peoples furniture doesnt work any more :(

Fiesta Sneak Peek!....(in color!)

Hello Penguins!
I hope you all had a great weekend hanging out at the new stage! I was able to grab a sneak peek of what this Friday’s party will look like and I hope you are as excited as I am about this! I think its going to be a blast! And yes, there will be a free item for everyone so you won’t want to miss it!

In other news:
They launched the new furniture system yesterday and although they had some bugs, it seems to be working now. They do apologize for it not working very well earlier today and we appreciate your patience! As always, we would love to know what you think of it!



remember that this friday, the fiesta starts! be sure to check it out....ill try to get a sneek peak.

New Furniture Organizer!!!!

Hello Penguins,
the new furniture organizer has five sections. 1. ALL 2. chairs, tables, ovens etc. 3. things that go on the wall 4. rugs 5. puffle accessories.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Not Working!?!?!?!?

on the first day of the new igloo storage its not working...i wonder why?

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Whats New???

I hope you’ve all had a chance to check out the new play at The Stage! It will only be there for one month so be sure to try it all out! Some of you have already been asking if certain stage themes will come back and don’t worry, they will try to bring back your favorites from time to time. As always, i would love to know what you think about this new one!

In other news: On Monday they're launching a pretty big update on the furniture system. they've been listening to what you would like to see and hopefully they have included all the features you want! This will help you organize your igloo and its furniture better so you can make sure your decorating can be as fun and easy as possible! they will continue to make changes and fix any bugs until its working perfectly.

Friday, January 11, 2008

switch box 3000

at the stage there is a switch box 3000 and you can do specail effects! also if you wear certain clothes you can hold an energy ball.

Two cool Tricks!

Trick 1 drowning: go to the ice burg.then make yourself blue. then go to the part of the ice burg as shown above. then say I'm drowning!
Trick 2 muscle man: make yourself blue. then wear the blue swimming things. now your a muscle man!

New mission coming soon......Pssst....secret agents only.......

I hope you are all having a great week so far! I found out that there is a new mission on the way and I was able to sneak this drawing out to show you. Be sure to play the last few missions because this one is connected and continues the story. I think its going to be a lot of fun!also if you go to the HQ you will see on the board it says crab translator ready soon. a new mission is coming.

New theme at the stage!!!

as i said there probably would be a superhero show...also you see where i circled the puffle on the top? well you used to be able to click there and you would see a yellow it doesnt work.

its back!

Heart emote is back!
..........and so is the ice burg (in the telescope on the beacon)

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Fiesta Coming!!!!

The Fiesta Party will return on the 18th. With the possible return of the Maracas.


More News to be posted soon...

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The Heart Emote is Coming Back

The Heart Emote is Coming Back!

The Heart Emote is Coming Back!

Hello Penguins!

Sometimes, like everyone does, we make a mistake. A few weeks ago we took away the heart and the skull emoticon because many of you had shared how they were being misused. Once we removed them, we heard from even more of you about how you were using the heart in great ways, such as showing your puffle how much you care for it or showing how much you loved the Coins for Change project. In the end, we decided that we don’t want to punish all of you for something that only a few people were doing wrong. So, we’ve decided to bring back the heart!

Starting this Friday, the heart emote will return to Club Penguin! We will not bring back the skull because there are a lot of other emotes to show that you don’t like something. Above all, we want Club Penguin to be a positive place so please use the heart in the right way and thanks for letting us know how you feel. Club Penguin is yours and we want you to enjoy it!

Until then... Waddle On!

New poll!

hi everyone!
i made a poll for the new play...check it out. (its on the left)

Monday, January 7, 2008

Sneek peak!

Stage Sneak Peak
after allot of hard work i finally was able to get it on. i think its gonna be a super hero show!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

New pin and Clothing catalog secret items!!

the pin is in the boiler room. how to get there: go to the night club, then go in to one of the speakers (you'll find which one it is). that will take you to the boiler room and that's where the pin is. its a snow shovel...

Clothing Catalog
1. click the blue backpack. its a coffee apron to serve coffee. it costs 100 coins
2. on the fiesta page click a cactus, that's the red viking helmet. (open and close the red iking helmet 4 times to get the blue viking helmet.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

sneek peak error, 2 new wigs, and new clothing catalog!!

Hello Penguins!

I hope you're all having a great new year so far! I said I'd tried to find a sneek peak of the new play coming to the stage and i did but something is wrong on my comp and it wont let me load pics on, i will try to get another computer to do it on. I'd love to hear what you think the theme will be with a wild guess! It's on schedule to launch next Friday and I think it's going to be one of the best! I can't wait for you to see it!

In other news: The new clothing catalog was released! Some of you may have noticed a few changes to it. We added a new page to feature some of the most popular jobs in Club Penguin. Every month a different uniform will be available. This months uniform is the pizza chef. I'd love to hear what jobs or uniforms you'd like to see featured next!
Until then... Waddle On!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Happy New year!! (and other stuff!!!!)

Hello Penguins!I hope you all enjoyed the fireworks and all the Holiday fun! It was another great year in Club Penguin, but we've got an even bigger year planned for 2008! It's going to be awesome! As always, it will include new games, new missions, new catalogs, new parties, new adventures, new features, new secrets, AND MORE!
We've also got some great surprises planned. I can't tell you much now, but I will as soon as I can.

This week we've got some brand new wigs launching and they are some of the fun ones you've been asking for. Be sure to check out the new clothing catalog on Friday too! I'm also trying to get a sneak peek for Friday of the upcoming new play at The Stage and it is awesome!

Until then... Waddle On!

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