Friday, February 27, 2009

Club Penguin "Migrator" Glitch!

Pretty Sweet. Go look at the Migrator sign on the back of Rockhopper's Ship. It's at the Beach.

The word "Migrator" is glitching with the word "Migratuer" which is the French word for Migrator!

They'll probably fix it soon so hurry, go check it out! thanks, Stickers303, Leggofmyeggo and Confupenguen!

- 10Croc, Club Penguin Crew Cheats President

New Club Penguin Pin Cheat - O' Berry Pin!

Here is the new Club Penguin pin cheat!

Here is how to find the new Club Penguin Pin.

Step 1. Go to The Ice Cube.
Step 2. Now click on the O' Berry Pin!


Now go find Rockhopper! Happy Rockhopping!

- 10Croc, Club Penguin Crew Cheats President

Rockhopper is back with New (OLD) Free and Hidden Item!!!

Rockhopper is back on Club Penguin. I WILL find him. He brought back the Treasure Map Background, but it's not new. Bummah.

Here's how to find the free item cheat.

Here is how to find Rockhopper's free item.

Step 1. Click on the Map in the lower left.
Step 2. Click on the Light House.
Step 3. Go on Rockhoppers ship, The Migrator.
Step 4. Go into the lower deck.
Step 5. Click on Rockhoppers map in the lower right.

Ok, now click on the "X" on the map and you will find a hidden item, the Porthole! So very sweet.

Thanks, XBOXROS!

Oh and here's a White Puffle Sighting! Thanks Puffy61, KYROID and nauditt19! Check it out! On rockhopper's bulletin board there is a little white Puffle in the picture. seeeeee it?

And oh, yeah. YARR IS MISSING!!!!!!! Thanks, KYROID.

Ok there are two theories. One is the evil pirates have taken Yarr! So now what?! Rockhopper's gonna be MAD! OR Yarr is with Rockhopper walking around because his To Do list says"Take Yarr for a walk". So if you see Rockhopper and he has Yarr with him, let us know! Thanks, Frank.

Rockhopper will be mine! MUHAHAHAHA!

- 10Croc, Club Penguin Crew Cheats President

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Rockhopper on the horizon!!!

Hello Penguins,
Me and my friend were walking around Club Penguin today and we went to go play Jet Pack Adventure. So we get to the top of the light house, and we started puting on our jet packs and geting ready to fly. But then i just thought, since there isnt much going on in Club Penguin, i thought i should just first check out the telescope and see if rockhopper is just perhaps coming. AND BEHOLD! There is his ship! My friend that was with me happened to have his camera on him and snaped this picture of me looking into the Telescope.

So we ran back to our igloo and booted up the computer and we are right now posting this post! So we came here to tell you that according to out calculation Rockhopper will be here tomorrow!!!

Rockhopper Coming!!!

Hello Penguins,

Our old friend Rockhopper's been spotted in the telescope and he'll be docking here soon! I'm sure he'll bring surprises with him, so while he's here be sure to check out the Captain's Quarters in the Migrator for some rare items -- and his Treasure Hunt game.rh1.jpg

Let us know what you love about Rockhopper!

Club Penguin White Puffle Captured!!!

Whoa! Look what EA12345 found today while playing Puffle Round-up. The white puffle is no longer at the Dojo or the Mountain, but, you can catch it in the Puffle Round-up game. It looks like the pet shop is gathering the white puffles so they can be purchased soon! Happy77 mentioned something about this today also but i didnt have enough time read it.

Let me know if you see a white puffle any where else.

-10Croc, Club Penguin Crew Cheats President

Club Penguin Croc Puffle Caption Conetst Finalists

Here are Club Penguin Croc Puffle Caption Contest Finalists! Pretty Funny I think! Here is the picture again.

Here are the finalists! Vote for the best one!

Red puffle should say "Feed Croc! Throw a bowl of delicious cereal!"

-Leo the Larg

i think it should say "purple purple purple purple orange purple wait WHAT! oh its just croc.

"purple, purple, purple, purple, orange, pur....ORANGE!!!!"

"Who would know that even puffles worchip Croc, they even have their own little Croc costume!"

Oh no! I better go get my cereal box! It's Croc feeding time!

-Dex Dude

Red Puffle(narrarating): Croc always did have a knack for sneaking in to places...
-Miss Izybel

Wrong hole buddy! Pool's the other way!"

-King Bubba 3

Look at this wild puffle. Shhh. He can be startled easily. He is usually feeding in the forest but when there is free food he is all for it! This type of rare puffle is called the "Croc".
When I was writing this I was thinking that when the puffle was talking, he should be talking in an Australian accent!


"I told you it hurts when they shoot in your mouth!"


Red puffle: Hmm... So many chocies!


Lol looks funny heres my caption thingie "That'll teach you to not take care of your puffles croc!"
-A kiwi boy

What is that exotic creature doing in the puffle feeding? I wonder if he bites?

Holy Hot dogs its CROC and how am i talking"


Red Puffle Taking Attendence of purple puffles: purple, purple, purple, croc, .... wait a second.


I'm going to need a bigger O-berry.


10Croc? No im not fallin for that trick again, thats how I got in the Pet Shop.

Now I know puffles like flushing things down toilets, but they've pushed croc a wee bit to far!
-Little Fireball

Red Puffle: Sorry Croc, but I'm all out of Croc-o's!!


Ooooh a puffle dressed as croc, wait a minute... IT'S NOT PURIM!!!
- Ian

Red Puffle: "(Whistles) Here Croc, Croc, Croc! Here boy!"


Vote for the best one now over on the poll on the left!

- 10Croc, Club Penguin Crew Cheats President

White Puffles, Rockhopper, Croc and other cool stuff!!!

Whoa! Enough alreaDy! Sheesh you wore us out on the caption contest! LOL! My eyes hurt from approving comments! Ok now we have to read 100 squizillion comments to pick the good ones! Can you help? Pick out some good ones and ONLY THE GOOD ONES and leave a comment, k? Or will you just send another 49 kabillion comments?

So when is he coming? And what's the deal with the pirates? Rockhopper got lost and he will find his way back to Club Penguin of course. But I think he will be found by some other relative of Rockhopper like a 50 foot giant flying grizzly pirate penguin named Carl. Or not. :-/

I'm going to guess it will be available to buy for the BIG SNOW PARTY in March! So they are really "Snow Puffles!" Do you think I'm right?

I got some other cool sweet parties coming soon. Look for hints on my Twitter and other secret places. ;-)

- 10Croc, Club Penguin Crew Cheats President

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Club Penguin Croc Puffle Caption Contest!!!


LOLZ! To celebrate the Puffle party here is a cool sweet contest! Check out the picture below and come up with something that the Red Puffle would say!

That's it! Just leave a comment and Croc and CPC will pick the best ones!


We Probably will NOT give away prize but I will post your penguin name! I THINK MAYBE I might still have a coin left I MIGHT give away if I can find it. But don't hold me to it, k?

- 10Croc, Club Penguin Crew Cheats President

Monday, February 23, 2009

Last chance for Puffle Partying!!!

Hello Penguins

Tomorrow is the last day of the official puffle celebrations and we hope you had the chance to check out all the areas. There's a different area dedicated to each color of puffle--we would love to hear what your favorite puffle room is! Also, if you haven't tried yet, take each of your puffles into a few different rooms and pay close attention to the decorations! We hope you like what you see. green.jpg

Even though the decorations come down soon, you can still be creative and show your puffles how much you appreciate them!

In Other News: Croc and CPC is working the sightings of a mysterious puffle... What have you heard? Let me know. What we have come up with is a WHITE puffle.

-10Croc, Club Penguin Crew Cheats President

Welcoming 10Croc and CPC to Twitter!!!

Hello penguins,
Croc just finished making his Twitter Page and its now public!!! Go to

White puffle in video and somthing else?!

Ok, so it seems like it's White Puffle Weekend at Club Penguin huh?! So now we can see a white Puffle in the video! WOW! So what does this mean? That there are really white Puffles? We already knew that didn't we. But it's still pretty cool.

But if you look closely at the video picture you can see the invisible orange, rainbow, zebra puffle! (JK) And if you look really closely you can see a parrot on his shoulder! AMAZING! ;-) He is eating something too. What is it? What can you see? Come on add to this weird story.

- 10Croc, Club Penguin Crew Cheats President

Club Penguin Puffle Video!!!

Check out the sweet video Club Penguin made! It's a pretty cool story!

It's kinda like a animal kingdom show. I guess this means there are more white puffles coming! (Thanks, Zxz192)

White Puffles have been spotted in this video! (Thanks, BJokeC695/Brendanalclp7195) Can you find them?

- 10Croc, Club Penguin Crew Cheats President

White Puffles Spotted in Club Penguin!!!

WOW! White Puffles are here! Here is a picture of one hiding in the bushes at the Dojo Courtyard!

The white puffle appears at least every 30 minutes. The newspaper said that white puffles could be hiding all over the island. I'm pretty bummed that the new puffle is not orange, but still think they are sweet! (Thanks, Fab Lanpard)

We have spotted a white puffle at the Ski Hill. Go and check it out!

Have you seen any white puffles anywhere else?

- 10Croc, Club Penguin Crew Cheats President

Club Penguin Puffle Party Free Item Cheat - Puffle Bandana!!!

Check it. Go to the Cove right now to get the Puffle Bandana!

This is the new Club Penguin cheat! (the pic of where it is didnt load)

(uploading error...)

Here is how to find the new Club Penguin Puffle Party Free Item.

Step 1. Go to The Cove.
Step 2. Now go to the chest of hats.


Yeah, only problem this is an old item.

Also, check out the Puffle Painting in the Light House! You can sit on the stage and the Puffle will paint you!

There is a pretty cool Puffle Feeding area at the Snow Forts! Here's a look inside!

So many sweet things at the par-tay! What do you like?!

- 10Croc, Club Penguin Crew Cheats President

Rockhopper's Coming to Party!!!

While you're partying Puffle style, take a look at who's on his way to Club Penguin!

So Rockhopper's not married you don't think? LoLz. Happy Rockhopping soon!

- 10Croc, Club Penguin Crew Cheats President

Red Chair Banned Glitch!!!

Sweet! Try this before they fix it!

Go to the new Igloo Furniture Catalog and try to by the Red Plastic Desk Chair! WHOA!

You're not really banned. Kinda phunny. Thanks to a bunch of you that found this glitch.

- 10Croc, Club Penguin Crew Cheats President

February/March '09 Furniture Catalog Sweet Club Penguin Cheats

Here are the new hidden Club Penguin cheats in the new Better Igloo's furniture catalog. Check, check, check it out.

To find the first hidden item in the new Better Igloos Catalog do this.

Step 1. Click on your "Home icon in the lower right of the chat bar.
Step 2. Click on the "Edit Room" icon in the lower right.
Step 3. Click on the "Buy Items" icon.
Step 4. Click to page 6 in the catalog.
Step 5. Click on the Pinata.

Now you have found the Aquarium.

To find the next item do this.

Step 6. Go to the 8th page.
Step 7. Click on the Snow Castle Tower.

Now you have found the Green Bird House

To find the next item do this.

Step 6. Go to the 9th page.
Step 7. Click on the Velvet Rope.

Now you have found the Welcome Mat!

So few cheats. So much time. Huh?

- 10Croc, Club Penguin Crew Cheats President

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Screenhogs history of CP Puffles!!! chigity check it!

Screenhog has shown us what puffles could have looked like. Check it out:

When penguins asked Club Penguin for a pet, they wanted to do something different and they created puffles. They liked the propeller one so well, they gave the green puffle a propeller hat!

I think the brownish one with legs is pretty awesome! Which one do you like best? Are you glad they made puffles the way they did?

- 10Croc, Club Penguin Crew Cheats President

Club Penguin Puffle and Pirate Mystery!!!

Is Rockhopper coming!? Whoa! Check out this mystery! In the newspaper there is a fortune cooke that says, "Keep an eye out for pirates!"

Now when I first read this I this I assumed it meant that Rockhopper would be coming for the Puffle Party... but wait! The newspapers events sections says this:

So, here are a few of CPC's theories. Rockhopper is lost on a strange island but will make it to Club Penguin on Feb. 27th... with a new species of puffle he found on the island! Or, maybe the "pirates" Sensei is warning us about are different than Rockhopper. Maybe these new "pirates" will bring a new puffle color? Could the new pirate be Rockhopper's cousin... or does he have a wife? ;-)

Hmm, idk, but I would love to hear what you think.

- 10Croc, Club Penguin Crew Cheats President


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