Friday, December 28, 2007

Fire Works for New Years!!!

you can see the fire works from the iceberg and the top of the mountain

Coins for Change results! and new year party!

Hello Penguins!

We know it’s a bit early, but we wanted to make sure we were the first to wish everyone a “Happy New Year!” Today launched a few fun additions to the party to help celebrate so be sure to check it out.

Also, the Coins for Change project was a huge success. Over 2 billion coins were donated and here is the breakdown of how much real money goes to each cause and the charitable organization it represents:

  • $394,000 will go to kids who are sick (The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation)
  • $330,000 will go to the environment (World Wildlife Fund)
  • $276,000 will go to kids in developing countries (Free the Children)

Thanks again for all the coins you donated, you guys did great!

Until then... Waddle On!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Happy Holidays!

Hi Penguins,
i would like to wish Happy Holidays!Thank you for making this year in Club Penguin one of the best! We’re all looking forward to a great 2008! You guys did great with the Coins for Change project and millions of coins were donated. Be sure to check out the newspaper on Tuesday for the final results!
until then Waddle On.
-10croc cpt

For the first time club penguin wrote Happy Chanukah!

Click Here to go to the CPOB (club penguin official blog)

original message:

Hello Penguins!
We just wanted to wish every one a great big Happy Chanukah! Thank you for making this year in Club Penguin one of the best! We’re all looking forward to a great 2008! You guys did great with the Coins for Change project and millions of coins were donated. Be sure to check out the newspaper on Tuesday for the final results!Until then... Waddle On!
- Club Penguin Team
Posted by Billybob at 8:10 PM
Comments (0)

Monday, December 24, 2007

Rock hopper

rock hopper has not been to cp in a while

new item

new item in skii vilage (old very rare item)

Friday, December 21, 2007

The Stats for Coins for Change

*if you cat read the stats click them

Kids Health: 44%
Environment: 29%
Kids Aroud The World: 27%


at 1:40 pm Friday all the servers in america were full and most of the other countries

new party

The pin is in the attic. seconed floor of the skii lodge you can turn lights on and off

the ----- hats are in the snow forts

the antlers are in the dock

there is some sort of strange tree on the iceberg

Thursday, December 20, 2007

New Emotes!!!

Remember when i said there will be new emotes? here they are...the new ones are popcorn, ice cream, birthday cake, light bulb, the sun, and one of the faces.

Tour Guides Needed! (and a Filter Update!)

Hello Penguins!
As many of you have seen, there are a lot of new penguins waddling around these days and we need your help to show them around! All of us were new at one time and I’m sure you remember what it felt like to have had an empty buddy list and not know where things are. Please do whatever you can to make Club Penguin a welcome place and maybe give someone a tour. I’m sure they will thank you for it!In other news: We’ve made some big steps lately as we continue to improve the filter to let more of the good stuff through. If you used to feel like it was hard to chat because of the filters, I recommend you try it again. Moderators are working harder than ever to help make sure the community remains a safe place to hang out with friends. We still have to block numbers because of phone numbers and addresses, but other than that, you should be able to talk more than before! We’ve even seen some penguins singing Christmas carols around Club Penguin which would have never worked with the old filter. We will keep working on it to keep it just as safe while making it easier to hang out with your friends!
Until then... Waddle on!

100 POSTS!!!

Yay we did it! 100 posts on 10croc cheats club penguin. we will be updating this site more often (than once a day) hopefully...our main support is shutting down...PAINTBOY100 so we will hopefully get a new supporter soon! please comment on this post how much this blog has helped you! hard work is put in to this site! also this site is 100% safe so feel free to look around the pages! WE THANK ALL OUR VISITORS FOR VISITING! check out our cluster map! its on the left...please give your support. if you would like to donate please comment that you want to and i will put up a page for donating!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

what i noticed...

on club penguin the pin right now is they kind of look the same...TO SEE HIS ON THE TARGET WEBSITE CLICK HERE.
please comment on this about what you think it is...i think it looks like cherrys...

Club Penguin Game Cards Coming Soon!!!

Hello Penguins!
I am happy to announce that the Club Penguin Game Card arrives in stores this month! We’ve been working really hard on this for a long time, and with the help of Disney, it’s finally here! The first cards will be showing up in U.S. “Target” stores over the next few weeks and in even more stores in the next few months! This means you will finally be able to buy your own membership if you want! As always, we would love to hear what you think!
In other news: The Coins for Change project is going great! You guys are doing an amazing job and we will post an update in this weeks Newspaper, so be sure to check it out!

Until then... Waddle on!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Coins for Change article

Click Here to view the original article.
Waddle around and make a difference
Between December 14th and 24th, 2007, children can donate virtual coins they’ve
accumulated through playing games on Club Penguin to real world causes.
Coins for Change seeks to empower children to choose a cause that matters most to
them and affect real change.
During the Coins for Change campaign, visitors to Club Penguin can choose to support
the environment, children’s health or children in developing countries. At the end of the
campaign, the New Horizon Foundation, a charitable organization started by the cofounders
of Club Penguin, will donate a total of 1 million dollars real cash to three
charitable organizations that represent those categories.
The childrens’ donations will directly determine what percentage share of the 1 million
dollars each organization receives. The results will be announced in Club Penguin on
December 25th.
The three organizations have been selected based on their commitment making
sustainable change in the world and addressing issues that are important to kids.
The three charitable organizations chosen to share in the $1 million dollar donation are:
ENVIRONMENT – World Wildlife Fund (WWF) –
For more than 45 years, WWF has been working to protect our living planet and helping
to build a future where people live in harmony with nature. WWF works to save nature
by conserving species and protecting their habitats; by ensuring our use of natural
resources is sustainable, and by helping individuals, companies and governments
reduce pollution.
CHILDREN’S HEALTH – Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation –
The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation works to prevent pediatric HIV infection
and to eradicate AIDS in children through research, advocacy, and prevention and
treatment programs. Internationally, the Foundation has reached nearly 3.6 million
women with access to services to prevent the transmission of HIV from mothers to
babies, and through the Foundation’s programs more than 2.8 million women have been
tested for HIV.
The world’s largest network of children helping children through education, Free The
Children has built more than 450 schools around the world and reached more than one
million youth through outreach programs in North America. The organization’s primary
goals are to free children from poverty and exploitation and free young people from the
notion they are powerless to affect positive change in the world.

New Stage and New Furniture!!!

Hello Penguins!
Hopefully you’re all enjoying the new show at The Stage. Many of you asked for a “Shakespeare” theme and we listened! If you don’t know who Shakespeare is, be sure to ask your parent or teacher. We’re still looking for ideas for future shows, and we would love to hear your ideas! In other news: The new furniture catalog was launched today and judges are starting to look through igloos to find a winner for the igloo contest! You could win 10,000 coins to use for whatever you want. If you’re looking for ideas, I would recommend giving some of them to charity through the “Coins for Change” project which also started already!
i will post the secrets ASAP
Until then... Waddle on!

Coins for Change

Coins for Change is finaly here! you can donate 50, 250 or 500...
you can also get a free bell...
you can donate in two places, the plaza or the beach...

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Save your coins!

Start Saving Your Coins!!
Hello Penguins!
I just wanted to tell you to save your coins because we’ve got some really cool stuff coming up over the next few weeks. First off, the “Coins for Change” project starts on Friday which allows you to give your coins to help three different charities. Once you’ve given away some coins, you’ll want some coins for the new furniture catalog coming out this week. Try your best to decorate your igloo for the Holiday igloo contest and you could win 10,000 more coins!
Along with that, a new show starts at the Stage on Friday so you’ll want to pick up a few costumes and join in or take a seat and watch the production. I will give you a hint about this new theme and say it's something many of you have asked for. I can also tell you it's not a x-mas theme. We thought with the upcoming x-mas, it would be neat to have something different for the Stage. Maybe its for chanukah...even though it araedy passed.
In other news: Be sure to check out the new comic in the “fun stuff” section of the website and let us know what you think!
Until then... Waddle on!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

new stuff!!!!

new pin!!!!!!!!!! Swim goggles (they seem to be in alot of them)
red viking helmet
to get the blue viking helmet open and close the red viking helmet 4 times

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Coins for Change information

December 14-24
Start saving coins so you can help make change happen. Coins for Change is about making a difference where it matters to you. And its about using your Club Penguin coins to do it. A total of 1 million dollars will be donated to three important causes this holiday season. The coins donated to each area will determine how much of the $1 M will go to each cause. You can help,
  • kids around the world
  • kids health and
  • the enviroment
Donate the coins you earn at donation locations around the island!

Thursday, November 29, 2007


the new yellow puffles were tamed by the club penguin puffle shop. you can log on and buy a yellow puffle for 800 coins for members Only. Dear penguins...we have found out that its for members only!!! we are sorry about that...

new catalog adopt a puffle!!!!! me and my puff....right after i adopted him (we marked of the the names due to complaints about their name on clubpenguin being put on our site.) me and my puff in our igloo. his first time. look how they dance! (click the picture to enlarge)

full image of chanukah picture

*click to enlarge

chanukah on clubpenguin?

*click to enlarge image
dear penguins,
we have asked club penguin to make a party for chanukah. hopefully they will and make it fair.

Coins for Change

Along with all the fun events like new parties, new events, new furniture, etc., I wanted to be the first to let you know about something brand new we’re doing this Chanukah!We’ve decided to call it “Coins for Change.” This idea came from you by letting us know how much you want to make a difference in the world! We thought this Chanukah would be the perfect time to do something about it.A total of $1 million dollars will be donated to actual organizations and you get to decide where it goes! By donating your Club Penguin coins in game, you’ll be able to help kids around the world, help kids who are sick, and help the environment.I’ll try to get you more details over the next few weeks, but remember to read the Club PenguinTimes on Thursday for more information.Thanks for being a part of Club Penguin, and for helping change the world!Until then... Waddle on!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

10croc cheats weekly article issue #4

Hi Penguins,

good afternoon.....i have been so busy today meeting many new penguins and picking up all the goodies! i found out about this party just this morning! i walked out in my igloo and i felt like i was in the wild west! then i heard blasting music from the night soon as i walked into the town i was nocked down by a giant tumble weed! when i walked in the night club i was very happy to see the club penguin band. anyway i showed you where to get the goodies but i gotta go meet new penguins.....until next week, waddle on.

Penguin Band arived and is now playing in the night club!

Penguin Band Back!!!!!!

Western Party Chosen!

needle and thread pin free red bandana's (old item)
Backround 1

Backround 2

Friday, November 16, 2007

10croc cheats weekly article issue #3

dear penguins,
early this morning i was in my chair in my cosy igloo and i was reading the news paper. one of the pages said something about golden or yellow puffles apearing in different places arround clubpenguin! one of those places are the plaza...when i saw that i jumped up got clothes on and i ran to the plaza. unfortunetly i couldnt find the puffle but what i did see is that the theater was built. i ran inside and it was so cool...the theme is space and UFO's and alians!!
well i have to go get a coffee from the coffee shop. until next week....waddle on!

New Cool Stuff!!!

Finally the last screen is filled!!!
here is the theater!! a big stage lots of chairs....and more...there are costumes and a script for you to act out the movie!!! costumes you have to buy and its only for members to buy. bye bye for now.....until then waddle on....

Sunday, November 11, 2007

UFO pin

sorry for not posting it earlyer

Friday, November 9, 2007

10croc cheats weekly article issue #2

Good News!

Today i was going out with a friend for pizza and i saw a change in the looks like they have done alot and i think i will help in the part of building the new stage.....

Bad news

Today While i was in the pizza shop with my friend something bad happend! the puffle agency took my two puffles Puck and Rockstar back to the puffle shop. my frind managed to get a picture of them taking the two puffles out.....they also left a note....
Warning! Please remember to always feed and play with your puffles.


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