Friday, February 29, 2008

New Stuff!!!

The new pin is the aqua grabber at the cave/pool

the beach it updated (i will check later if aqua grabber is updated too!)

the new fishing lure is 200 coins

click the tennis raquet and get football helmet.

follow the instructions in the picture and get a silver surf board!

to view the clothing catalog (feb 29, 08) without logging in, Click the following link!:

Are you a Pin colector? If yes, then read these tips!

Hello Penguins,
Are you a pin collector?

Then this blog post is for you, because I’m going to tell you the rules that club penguin follows when they hide pins!

Rule 1: If Club Penguin hidden a pin in a room, they won’t hide another pin in that room for at least two months. So, for instance, the Anchor is hidden in the Cove, so they're not going to hide another pin there until at least May.

Rule 2: CP won’t hide a pin in the Town Center. That room is the busiest room in Club Penguin.

Rule 3: CP won’t hide a pin in the HQ. Not all penguins are agents, so they wouldn’t get to go there.

Rule 4: A pin won’t be hidden on Rockhopper’s Ship. Rockhopper doesn’t usually stay for two weeks, and none of us want him to leave with the pin!

Rule 5: CP will try not to hide a pin in the same place twice. The next time a pin comes to the Cove, they're not going to hide it on the log by the bonfire.

Rule 6: Pins usually look like something related to a recent update. The Anchor was related to Rockhopper's ship, and the next pin... hmm, should I give you a hint about what the next pin will be? Sure, why not?

Pins are pretty small, so it's hard to give a hint without giving it away, but try to guess what the next pin will be, and see if you're right when it comes out tomorrow!
i will post the catalog cheats soon!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

New News Paper!!!

The new newspaper came out, to view it click here.

It talks about Rockhopper’s ship parts, the new fish lure and more. Also the new books will now be released March 10th instead of March 3rd, also the name of the book is going to be ‘Paint by Letters’.

Here are the upcoming events:

February 29th:

  • New Pin
  • Ice Fishing Update
  • New Sports Catalog

March 7th:

  • New Wig Catalog
  • New Clothing Catalog

March 10th:

  • New book(s) in the book room

March 14th:

  • New Pin Hidden
Please come back tommorrow for lots of more hints tips and cheats!!!

Items coming in Sports Catalog!!!!!

I have a short list of the items coming in the sports catalog, this is the only information I have so far.

If you want to see it then read this, if you do not want to ruin the surprise the just dont read this post.

Name: Red Soccer Jersey
Type: Body
Cost: 600
Item Id: 775

Name: Blue Soccer Jersey
Type: Body
Cost: 600
Item Id: 778

Name: Flashing Lure Fishing Rod
Type: Hand
Cost: 200
Item Id: 321

Since they haven’t come out yet they are in red. I don’t have pictures of the items and if I find anymore I will add them to this list.

Monday, February 25, 2008

New sneak peek!!!!!

Hello Penguins!You all know that I like to give everyone a sneak peek when we've got some big things on the way. Not only does this give you something to look forward to, but it also allows you to let your friends know so they don't miss it.Just to give you an idea of how big the next month is, here are a few things we have planned!
TWO Awesome Parties!

  • A Brand New Game!

  • A Sport Shop catalog Update with a new Game Upgrade!

  • A Scavenger Hunt!

And as always: New Pins, New Clothes, New Furniture, And More! cp is also working on some top secret stuff we can't share yet, but that will be coming out over the next few months.

Its going to be fun!

In other news: Today cp launched an update to Aqua Grabber (the new game). It should be running a lot smoother for everyone. If you tried it out over the weekend and it wasn't running well, give it another try and let us know if its working better!

puck download

mike93 made a program that will allow you to change the height, width, and opacity of the hockey puck in Club Penguin. This is client side which means only you can see it.
here is a download link:

Saturday, February 23, 2008

new beach stuff!!!!!!!!! very cool!!

hello penguins,
the beach has a new thing. rock hoppers ship peices will be there till we put it together. check out the beach without logging in click this following link:
we would love to hear what you think is gonna happen next! please comment!

Friday, February 22, 2008

New igloo and furniture catalogs!!!

There is a new furniture catalog in Club Penguin, as well as a new igloo catalog.
Here are the secrets for the new furniture catalog. for members only

Furniture Catalog:

click on piano and get pipe organ.

click on home stereo and get concert lights.

click on cash register and get moose head.

igloo catalog:

click on the "make your home..." and get fish bowl.

click on the top of service and get secret stone igloo

click on this door and get secret deluxe stone igloo.

view these catalogs without logging in:



Thursday, February 21, 2008

New News Paper!!! Feb 21, 08!

The new newspaper came out today in Club Penguin. It talks about the new game (Aqua Grabber) and a lot more.

Here are the results for the new game name poll:

  • Aqua Grabber: 39.3%
  • Deep Sea Salvage: 30.3%
  • Depth Diver: 30.2%
The newspaper also talks about a new option being added to the game Ice Fishing. When the first sports catalog came out you were able to play games like Ballistic Biscuit and Catchin’ Waves using items you bought from the catalog, well it looks like that is going to happen again on Feburary 29th when the new sports catalog comes out. You will be able to buy new tackle for fishing which will allow you to catch gray fish.

Here are the upcoming events:

February 22nd:
New Igloo Catalog
New Furniture Catalog (water themed)

February 29th:
New Sports Catalog
New pin hidden

March 3rd:
New books in the book room!

March 7th:
New wig catalog
New clothing catalog

Here is the swf for the new newspaper (to view it without logging in!):

Aqua Grabber swf!

Hey guys I found out that you can play Aqua Grabber using its swf (unlike most games in Club Penguin)

Here is the link:

If you notice, it says game1, so that must mean that there will be more levels eventually. For each new level I will make a video tutorial. It will be kind of like missions.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Some Sub-game sketches!!

Hi everyone! It's me, 10rcroc.
I know you guys have all been enjoying the party (thanks for all of the comments, by the way), but have you tried the game at the Iceberg yet? Yep, the submarine is finally built!
I know many of you have been waiting for it to launch. Thanks for being patient. Club Penguin had to fix a couple problems with it earlier, but it's ready to go now.
This is the first game clubpenguin has ever done where penguins can actually go underwater (unless you count crashing in Hydro-Hopper, Jet Pack Adventure or Catchin' Waves). To let the penguins go underwater, clubpenguin had to design a submarine! Here are some of the first sketches for the sub:

Now, you probably look at those and think "Hey, those are just scribbles!" And you'd be right. club penguin artists do rough scribble drawings first because they're fast; they can do lots of them and get ideas from them. Then they can have a better idea of what we'll draw for the finished art.
That's all for now! I hope you have fun playing Aqua Grabber. And remember, please comment!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Aqua Grabber Tutorial

this is the clip for the awsome aqua graber. its also what i voted in the poll!

Aqua grabber launched!!!

hello penguins,
the new game was officailly launched!

Here is the music swf from the game:
Here is the Ice Berg swf:

in the following video you will see how to do the video. we would like to thank mike 93 for this video.

click the link or watch it in the next post!...its also what i voted in the poll.

this is the pin you get at the end of the game!its a gold weel!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Party Extended!!!

Update: club penguin is having technical difficalties making the game, but it should be up pretty soon!
Hello Penguins!
We've heard from a lot of you about how much you're enjoying the party and want it to stick around a little longer. Club Penguin thought it's a great idea and they've decided to extend the party until Friday, February 22! Thanks for letting us and CP know what you want!
In other news: If all goes well with testing, Club Penguin's newest game will be launched tomorrow! You will be able to pilot a submarine to find the missing pieces of Rockhopper's ship! Be sure to check it out tomorrow (and find out the invention's name that you helped decide!) and let us know what you think!

Club Penguin Multi - Account login!

I have made a program in Visual Basic 6 that will allow you to log in to Club Penguin with as many accounts as you like at the same time. You can download the program here:

This can help you with many things including the walk with newspaper glitch for those of you who only have 1 computer.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Party Time!

Hello Penguins!
I hope you're all enjoying the latest party! The team worked really hard on it and it was a lot of fun to make. They also used a lot of your ideas, so thanks for the input. As always, let us know what you favorite part is!
In other news: i think a new game is coming and in case you haven't heard, the invention at the Iceberg will be launched next Tuesday! I'll have more info early next week! And be sure to check out the Iceberg--a poll was added! Gary the Gadget Guy needs help naming his invention. The poll will be up all weekend so make sure you cast your vote!
-10croc cheats president

New coolest party ever in club penguin!!!!!!!

the new pin is in the Cove!

the free snorcle is in the forest!

the sea shell belt is in the bookroom above coffee

the danece lounge is sooooo different!

vote for the name of the new invention!

this is what the plaza looks like!

this is what the town looks llike! check it out!

he is 10croc wearing the free items! also you can still get the hard hat!

there is a subway sandwich stand at the bottom of the mountain

the night club is in water!!!!!!

to take the poll go to the ice berg!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

The vehicle used to retrieve The Migrator pieces will be finished on February 19th. Check out the Iceberg this Friday to cast your vote on the name of the vehicle.

The Sub-Marine Party’s this week so don’t miss it. There’ll be a free item and CP will be submerged underwater.

And a possible 2005-06 Yearbook might be released by The Snowball Press in the Book Room soon!

until then...waddle on!


hello penguins,
i have found out great news! i will have more sneek peeks more often! how does that sound? we really want to hear what you think.

in other news: the new pin a nd party comes tommorrow! be sure to come back for more updates and to see where the new pin is!

until then...waddle on!

New News Paper!!!

There is a new newspaper in Club Penguin. It talks about what G is doing with the save the migrator campaign and the under water party. It looks like my predtiction was right about it being under water, lets just hope that there is also a treasure hunt to find Rockhopper’s boats missing pieces.

To view the Club Penguin new newspaper without logging on click the following link:
Club Penguin New Newspaper

Here are the upcoming events in Club Penguin:

  • Feburary 15th:
    Sub-Marine party begins
    New Pin hidden

  • Feburary 19th:
    First launch of the Sub
    Name of Sub unveiled.
  • Feburary 22nd:
    New Furniture Catalog
  • Feburary 19th:
    New Sports Catalog

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

extra extra early sneek peek!

Hello Penguins!
I mentioned the other day that there's a party planned for this coming weekend and believe me you don't want to miss it! I saw a bit of it today and I've never seen anything like it in Club Penguin. Club Penguin went all out! You guys have provided some really fantastic ideas over the past several weeks. I know they inspired the artists working on this party. They have introduced some new and never before seen stuff and have remembered to bring back a few favorite elements of past parties. I hope you all like it! It starts on Friday and will go until Wednesday!
The party isn't the only thing happening! There's another very big development coming soon that a lot of you will be excited about. But I'll save that for another day!
We look forward to hearing your thoughts on the party over the weekend!
-10croc Club Penguin Cheats President

this is what the ship will probably look like...

kind of what the ship is supposed to look like.

Monday, February 11, 2008

New Play, New Postcards, and New Project by G.

Here are the New Postcards. to see the postcard catalog without logging in, Click Here.

Hello Penguins!
If you haven't checked it out already, there is a new play at The Stage. There are a lot of ways to use this new one outside of the script. I've already seen penguins pretending to have auditions like American Idol, or acting out what happened to them in school that day. We hope you all use your imagination and have fun with it. The best times are when you create new ways to play! Let us know how you and your friends are using it!
The New Stage is the coolest...well at least thats what i think:)
To see the new stage without logging in, Click Here. To Hear the music without logging in, Click Here. To view the costume catalog without logging in, Click Here.

The iceberg:

There is a free hard hat at the corner of the iceberg.

This is what the iceberg looks like. To see the iceberg without logging in, Click Here.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Newest News Paper!

The new newspaper has come out in Club Penguin. It talks about saving Rockhopper’s ship in a project called “Save the Migrator Campaign” and what ‘G’ (Gary the Gadget Guy) plans on doing to save the migrator. It says that he wants to make a machine that will retrieve broken pieces of the migrator from the bottom of the ocean.
It also talks about how the next party in Club Penguin will start on February 15th. It is going to be a party about saving the migrator.

Here are the upcoming events:
Feburary 8th:
New play at the stage
New Club Penguin postcards
Feburary 15th:
New Club Penguin Party starts
New pin hidden
Feburary 22nd:
New Club Penguin furniture

To View the newest NEWS PAPER without logging in , Click Here.

New News from 10croc cheats!

Hello Penguins!

As we head into the month of February, I am getting really excited! There are a lot of great things coming out that I can't share yet, but I can tell you that they have to do with Rockhopper's recent troubles. Keep checking the newspaper for more details because its only getting started! As always, we would love to hear what you think is going to happen. and once again this months main focus is Save the Migrator.

as you all (should) know rockhoppers ship (The Migrator) sank. There for all penguins want to rebuild it.

RockHopper is making a campagn for rebuilding the old migrator. as i said yesterday the plan looked a bit wrong because it is different in the newspaper then in the booth at the front of the lighthouse. But both are right. one is the plan to get the peices, and the other is to put the peices together.
Mr. G is creating somthing for us to rebuild it. 10croc Cheats reporters say "He's Never met rockhopper". He still wants to help him though.
also for members, go to the gift shop and pick up a construction hard hat and vest!
A BIG PARTY ANNOUNCMENT! for all workers, members or not. There will be a big party on the 15th of feb. . dont miss it! it will be lots of fun.

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